Friday, May 20, 2011

We Begin In Earnest

"Jess, I get it. You don't just want to cast a long shadow. You already do that. You want to cast a long shadow, and you want to make sure the people in your shadow actually need and are grateful for the shade." I was given my mission statement in the middle of a conversation I never thought I'd have.

Baking. Writing. Trying to lead by example. Making people laugh. There are so many ways to change the world, so many ways to make one moment great for another person. All it takes is one moment.

I dare you.

To be brave enough to pursue your better nature is no small thing. It takes a lot to say no, that the choices I make matter enough to me that I will work to make them the choices that are best.

Will you donate your birthday to a charity? Give your friends and family the challenge to, instead of giving things to you, give to the charity or cause of your choice?

Will you give of yourself? After a long day that offered little sunshine in your life, is there enough energy left in you to find your way to spend time with children who need it? Would you dig past frustration to bring a cheerful face while building a home in your community?

I bake, write and communicate pretty well. Better than some, worse than others. I know that I can create moments of happiness for others. I know that my compassion is one of my greatest strengths. It's been too long since cheerfulness and a genuine love of humanity governed interactions. I know I may never stand before millions and speak, inspiring my nation to the better part of its nature.

I choose instead to change one person's day, every chance I get. I am encouraged by the idea that instead of being that figure-head, perhaps I'll get to be the spark that leads the right person to that place.

You never know who is watching your example, hoping you'll lead.

I dare you to lead.

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