Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What's New?

Welcome to another busy week. But then, that's life isn't it?

Topics I'd Like to Tackle Today:

Age-related Discrimination: I'm not just talking about firing someone based on how old they are, or denying a promotion based on how young they are. I'm talking about the way we speak to one another. How completely and utterly offensive is it to be spoken to as if you have no concept of reality, based solely on the supposition someone attaches to your age? Before it's asked, yes I was treated like I have no idea how to behave in polite society, as well as being shooed and shushed like an 8 year old repeatedly asking for dessert. And, not to be an ass, but if you gave the 8 yr old more attention, perhaps the 8 yr old wouldn't seek it through self-destructive methods at 16 and later... but I digress.

Obama-Care: It's none of your business what I think about the Bill, or its impacts - I have not offered you my opinions. However, since you've decided to be so vocal abut it, would you mind explaining to me *exactly* which parts you take issue with? And before you get started, yes I have read it and I'm happy to read it with you again in order to see exactly your point of view.

Workplace Politics: Tell me exactly how successful you're going to be gathering rice if each individual is in charge of picking up only one specific type of grain of rice, and no others.... and no one gathering the rice is told what the other rice gatherers are doing. I'm interested, that's all.

General Health Choices: It's no secret that my family has completely changed food attitudes. There are no mysteries about this. Choices have become exceedingly easy at restaurants, feeling healthy after a meal feels pretty awesome. Having said all this, I'm curious: has anyone else noticed a bit of a negative backlash when you make these changes? Not really sure how to gracefully respond, "What? Do you think you're better than me?" when asked through a heaping spoonful of an unhealthy choice.

Okay, those were my mini rants. I feel better having gotten them off my chest. I feel pretty certain my intense reaction to the multiple stories today about imprisoned children will manifest itself in some way, but for right now I choose happy. I'm going back to my black currant tea and the treats I've discovered for myself.

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