Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Let's Get Naked

I confess a certain fascination with "revealing" memes. I'm nerdy, and an over-sharer. It appeals to me - what people want to know, as much as what people say.

Pieces taken from the "My Cultural Life" quiz, Inside the Actor's Studio, and random goofiness.

Book That Changed Your Life: "A Moveable Feast," Earnest Hemingway.

Sound or Noise That You Love: Well-executed Broadway musicals... the laughter of my nieces or nephews... A completely surrendered laugh that is deep and unreserved.

Recurring Dream: Don't have one, actually.

Sound or Noise That You Hate: The roar of anger. Breaking.

Most Loved Fairy Tale: "The Little Match Girl," Hans Christen Anderson.

Favorite Cliché: "That's not okay."

Poem Known By Heart: So many. The one I repeat to myself, the one I doodle on napkins? "First Fig," Edna St. Vincent Millay.

My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night.
But ah my foes and oh my friends,
It gives a lovely light.

Would Sing a Duet With: My Karissa. Or Mandy Patinkin. Rammstein. If we're going for the deceased: Sinatra, Chet Baker.

Book You Would Ban: Honestly, the ones that upset me are the ones that have been changed unnecessarily - looking at you, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. But banning books only makes them stronger. (Also, Twilight  hurts my soul)

Irrational Fear: Abandonment. Becoming a violent, destructive, hurtful person.

Dream Lunch Dates: My friends from college (professors too), Sherlock Holmes (BBC), My grandparents.

Would Appoint Culture Secretary: Iggy Pop

Signature Dance: Unsurprisingly, it would be something old-fashioned. I'm a sucker for the sway of a Lindy, or if I'm up to it physically, the rapid-fire moves of rockabilly-inspired swing dancing.

What Turns You On: Generosity, snark, Frank Sinatra and Chet Baker

What Turns You Off: Cruelty without mercy, personal hatred, unnecessary violence.

Your Favorite Word: Gratitude.

Your Least Favorite Word(s): Drama Queen.

Favorite Shoes: Brown leather lace-ups. Light brown boots.

Favorite Movies: Right now, I'm watching a lot of the Oceans movies. It's hard to pick just one. One that I will always go back to is Rounders. I always find something wonderful and new in Best in Show. And I adore, without equivocation, too many Disney selections to name.

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