So, I was daydreaming about things today, and something occurred to me.
The clothing I wear is a discussion.
My age, gender identity, personality, personal wealth, professional image and sexual availability to whomever I'm attempting to attract... all these are apparently written in my duds.
Wait... What?
I worked in a hospital lab with chemicals used for embalming - I'm well preserved. Most people guess older or younger than I really am. HA! Or wait... why is that a victory?
I identify myself as a girl/woman. Always have. And that's a gift, because my physical reality agrees. Regardless of my ability or desire to have a child. Wait... why is that last bit part of the discussion?!
My personality is apparently conservative according to some of my outfits, and outlandish/ whimsical/ Fashion Devotee of Calvin Klein in others. What the hell?!
Personal wealth. The make, condition and fit of my clothes tells you exactly how much money I dedicate to how I look. Don't miss the jewelry and accessories - they tell you the details behind how much I have. Wait... do I look at others to assess bank accounts by earrings and the words written across your breasts/abs/butt/biceps?
What I do for a living and how well I do it is telegraphed with my skirts and pressed tops. I'm obviously successful because I'm feminine without being overbearing or (fire-able offenses alert) power-hungry/man-impersonating/too-smart-for-own-good. With sanctioned interpretations like this, how easy to pick out people who are just professional ladder climbers, biding their time until they get where they want - right? Why is that right?
If I wear black heels, a silk dress and sparkling jewelry, I'm working very hard to be sexually available to someone, right? Unless I'm doing it because it's comfortable for me... which is never true. Wait... is it true?
I totally confess - I look at the "never wear" articles. Broken down by age, gender... any social construct you can imagine. I laugh more often than not, and go on about my way. Several of them have actually inspired some of my favorite outfits. People are wonderful. You will never be able to imagine the million influences and complexities of others. If you believe clothing worn by adults has an age attached to it, discuss it with the specific person who has so offended thine eye.
I wear clothing I love. It took a very long time to find the bravery to wear what I love. Voices in my head telling me a million things - happens to all of us. "You can't wear that, you're too (young/old/fat/unattractive/pale/American/glasses-wearing)!!!!!"
Honestly? I'm glad we wear clothes. If you're an adult, wear clothing. It's fun. If you're a kid, please try to wear kids clothing - there's no reason to rush into adulthood. If I make you and your friends' day by providing the catalyst for snark, awesome. I really don't care. Like I've never been laughed at behind hands (Thanks Annie, Ashley and H. for teaching me that, while cruel, it's really nowhere near the worst thing a person can do to you).
My point is - it's clothing. I'll do as I damn well please. And there are a hell of a lot of questions you answer about yourself when you make a quick and firm judgment of someone else.