What's new in the world?
My feelings on yesterday's historic same-sex marriage case is complicated. On one hand, I am joyous that #LoveWins. On the other, I see words like "victory" and it reminds me that this was actually a war - there were casualties, there were battles, and all for the chance to be recognized by the government as equals. It hurts that even today, we still do our best to justify using words like "more" or "less" when we describe each other. So I celebrate for my friends who will get to live in this new wave of support, and I mourn the lives people took (some, their own) because there was no light they could see at the end of their struggle.
I'm going gluten free. After being steam-rolled over by one physician, I've decided to give it a shot. I've been pretty close to 100% gluten free for a week and I have to say - no change. But we'll keep going and see what happens.
I'm also having some pretty concerning symptoms lately. If I had specifics, I would share them but right now all I have are multiple diagnostic tests scheduled. Hopefully, answers happen sometime soon.
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